Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fab Finds for the Fourth #3

Daily Inspiration

Appreciation immediately connects you to Source Energy, the energy that creates worlds. If you’re feeling down, depressed, frustrated, find something to appreciate & your energy will shift. Start by saying, “It’s wonderful that ________.” Find something in your life experience that you feel is wonderful. Then do it again. By the 3rd time you find something wonderful, you’re in a state of appreciation.

Welcome to the final Fab Finds party! It has been so much fun seeing all the great red, white & blue projects. I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to this week.

And what’s a party without great food? Cooking & baking are not high on my accomplishment list, so I often rely upon the tried-and-true cookbooks. I still have, and use,  the Betty Crocker cookbook my mother gave me for high school graduation, many, many years ago.

Notice how I chose about the simplest recipes out there? But a sprinkle here, some berries there, and they make a great display. My kind of baking!

Now it’s your turn to share.

  • Anything red, white and blue is welcome.
  • Please link to the actual post URL, not your blog, so we can read about your project.
  • Please add my button to your sidebar or your post, even if the post is older.
  • Lastly, why not visit the link before & after you and leave a comment. Let’s all get into the party mood!
MuralMaker and More

Four More Days til the Fourth!

Daily Inspiration
You get what you think about. If you’re worrying about the past or future, you’re creating more. If you’re present, in the moment, in a state of appreciation, you’re attracting more of what feels good to you.

I’m having so much fun looking at everyone’s Fourth of July projects! Now, I subscribe to all kinds of daily ezines – Better Homes & Gardens, Martha, Betty Crocker, etc. But their creative editors don’t hold a candle to the gals in Blogland! 


Kristi @ Punkin Seed Productions took block of wood & scrapbook paper and made this darling stackable. Seriously cute! It fits just about anywhere!

Leave it to StephanieLynn to come up with a no-sew bunting. I adore buntings, but was not ready to tackle making one – until I saw this! And she gives beautiful, step-by-step photos! Loves me a great photo tutorial.


Here’s a perfect example of what can be created without crafting. Isn’t this vignette stunning? Sarah @ A Simply Country Girl pulled simple items together – a rustic window frame, twig wreath, birdhouse, and more with Old Glory flowing throughout. No flag? What about using red, white & blue fabric? I think it’d work, too.

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy has done it again with these darling ‘firecrackers’. And if you’re thinking you don’t have time for a paint project, I’m here to tell you, painting at the last minute is actually relaxing and helps you calm down. Call me crazy – you won’t be the first – but if I’m having a big shindig, a little painting helps smooth my nerves.

Remember to link up all your Red, White & Blue goodies to Fab Finds for the 4th! The link opens tonight @ 9 pm PST.

Tomorrow is all about yummy treats & recipes for the 4th. Don’t miss this one!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Front Door Decor for the Fourth

Today’s Inspiration
In feng shui the front door is the main portal for energy flow. Step outside your entrance. Imagine water flowing into your house. Does it have to go up stairs? Are there any overgrown bushes impeding the flow? Take a look and see if energy is flowing  easily and smoothly into your home.
Are you ready for the 4th? All decorated, menu planned? What? No?!?

You must be like me then. Let me introduce myself -
“Colleen, wait-for-the-last-minute-and-wing-it, Hostess.”

Let’s just assume I was on top of everything. I’d already have my front door decorated so passer-bys could get the patriotic spirit this week. This is in my “she’s just like Martha – world.”

I am loving this USA door decoration!


How cute is that! I love the moss & the crisp red, white & blue ribbon. And it’s different, you know?

Where did Amber get the letters? She cut them out of cardboard.  . . I know, easy-peasy! Go visit her @ Sew Totally Smitten and see the descriptive tutorial.


How about a Q’nD (quick ‘n dirty) Dollar Store wreath! Amanda @ Every Crafty Endeavor gives step-by-step pictures to make this festive door hanger. It cost her $9 to make this - $9! Anything under $10 is a steal in my book.


Ok. Alison had me at the name of her blog – Make It Work or Do Without. That’s most of us DIYers, isn’t it? I love her tutorial too - “I simply bent a metal hanger in the shape of a star . . .”

Three great projects for anyone, but especially for those of use who are last-minute momma’s. And who’d ever know? Not with these cute ideas.

So what’s on your front door? Link it up to Fab Finds to the Fourth this Thursday!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Countdown to the 4th!

Today’s Inspiration

When you’re wanting something new, or more of something in your life, find the essence of what it is. More money may mean security. A better relationship might mean you’re looking for self-acceptance. Find the essence and then look for areas where you already have this. Then milk it, savor it, appreciate it. Law of Attraction will bring even more of this to you.

July 4th is only 7 days away, People! Can you believe it? I’ve had such fun with Fabulous Finds for the Fourth and seeing everyone’s projects, I’m dedicating this week’s posts to everything red, white & blue!

There are other wonderful linky parties out there. Tuesday, TheCSIProject is hosting everything red, white & blue.


By the way, I was thrilled that my Princess & the Frog closet door made the cut and was picked for the top 10!

Another great party is over at SomewhatSimple. Crafts, recipes, all sorts of great things for the 4th!

SYS Thurs

Here are just a few of my favorites from my Fabulous Finds for the Fourth.

MuralMaker and More

I’m not sure if it’s the darling tshirt of the little guy wearing it, but I love this picture! Visit IamMomma to get the full tutorial. She guest posted on LoveStitched.

Lisa @ PopcornServedDaily did this project just for me, or so it seemed when I first saw this. I have ratty old tiki torches that I haven’t thrown out yet, and look how she spruced them up! Love this.

I spied these delectable stuffed strawberries at Kara’s Korner. She made them for her anniversary, but I’m making them for the 4th. Strawberries, cream cheese & sugar – Can’t Miss!

Do you have a red, white & blue project you’d like featured? Email me so I can get it up this week. And don’t miss Thursday’s linky party!


Today’s Inspiration

When you’re wanting something new, or more of something in your life, find the essence of what it is. More money may mean security. A better relationship might mean you’re looking for self-acceptance. Find the essence and then look for areas where you already have this. Then milk it, savor it, appreciate it. Law of Attraction will bring even more of this to you.

I’m adding a new blurb to my blog. Just a thought that I want to share that day. It was Hubs who actually suggested it – he is now a daily subscriber to Mural Maker & More! (well, I did sign him up :)

As an artist, I’m inspired each day. As a writer, I like to verbalize my thoughts as words on paper, or a computer screen, in this case.

It’s not an original idea. Angelo Surmelis’ Daily Tip is a vlog. Christopher Lowell is starting one too. So I’m following the lead of those that inspire me.

It may be a new painting technique. Or perhaps a feng shui tidbit. Maybe even an organizing or cleaning tip. Most likely it’ll be something about Appreciation & Law of Attraction. Just something that has moved me that day and I’ll share it at the start of each post.

My favorite thing about blogging is the connections I’ve made with online friends. You’ve all been so supportive and eager to share. This is just my way of returning the love.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

No-Sew Saturday – Fun Fabric Projects

Many thanks to everyone who linked up to
Fab Finds for the Fourth #2. We had 33 projects!
(someone needs to invent a cyberspeak icon for HUGS!)
I hope you’ll all stop by again next Thursday for Fab Finds #3.
Are you ready for some fun no-sew home decor? Let’s start with this burlap table runner. Burlap has become the fabric lately, hasn’t it? 

Strictly Homemade

Maridith @ Strictly Homemade took an old runner, glued burlap to the back (yes, glued!) and then embellished it with a monogram.

Guess how she did the monogram – with a Magic Marker! A girl after my own heart!

So you see what you can do to update a runner – what about placemats? Why, turn them into pillows, of course!

Scene of the Grime

Laurie @ Scene of the Grime took placemats & bandanas and created these adorable pillows for her grandkids. I love the whimsy of the bandana print, but you could use any fabric. The possibilities are endless. She attached the letters with spray adhesive and closed the pillows with iron-on adhesive. No sewing!

Cottage & Vine

I had never heard of a ‘pelmet’ until I saw these red beauties @ Cottage & Vine. Rene made these without sewing. She even shows you how to make the pelmet boxes. I love the tailored look. She also shows how to make a curtain to cover a bookcase.

Finding Fabulous

Do you see those curtains? This girls says she can’t sew! That’s right. She glued them all together. Jane @ Finding Fabulous started with a pair of ready-made panels that were too short, added fabric to the bottom & the top and - Voila! Darling curtains! Okay, I guess I shouldn’t say ‘darling’ since it’s camouflage fabric, but you get what I mean.

I don’t know about you, but these bloggers have taken away the “I can’t sew” excuses to home decor! What have you made with iron on adhesives or a glue gun? Please share!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Finding Fabulousness – Six Degrees of Separation

I met a great gal on BlogFrog who is hosting a linky party today. In fact, that was her discussion – how to get participants. Because I just started my own party, and I know the anxiety that comes with them, I wanted to join hers. Hope you will too!

So my Fabulousness story is about this wonderful world wide web and how small it actually is. Or how connected we are becoming.

A few months ago I wrote about how Christopher Lowell influenced my design career. Following him on Twitter, and having him follow back, has been an utter joy.

I’ll admit, I’m not a regular ‘tweeter’. Far from it. But yesterday I had Tweetdeck up while I was painting. I see a RT (retweet) about Christopher in Las Vegas. What’s he doing there? (actually, I was just procrastinating while contemplating my next paint layer.)

So I click here, click there, and find a fabulous new site, for ‘design junkies’

Hello! Know any Design Junkies?

Christopher was judging a contest there. Cool site. I look around, see “submissions” and explore further. As an artist/writer, “submissions” is like candy, the chocolate kind.

I check out HomeWorkshop’s contributors. Dang, they already have one for Decorative Painting – Regina Garay. Her name doesn’t ring any bells. But I read a little more. Her blog is called Fauxology.

Ding, ding, ding! Where do I know that name from. I don’t follow any ‘faux’ sites, do I? No. Wait, I think I remember now.

I click over to my Lijit stat thingy. Scroll down, down, down to where it says

People who have included you in their Blogroll -

And there it is at the top of the list – FAUXOLOGY. Regina has been following me for a long, long time! FABULOUSNESS!

Okay, so it’s not like I actually ‘know’ her, or Christopher, for that matter. So it’s not really Six Degrees of Separation. But I thought it was rather random synchonicity (how’s that for an oxymoron?)

I did connect with her on Facebook & Twitter and look forward to getting to know her.

Haven’t you always said, “What a small world!” when you meet someone who knows someone who’s related to someone that your friend knows? Or something like that.

Now it’s happening online. And I happen to think it’s fabulous!

What fab thing happened in your life this week? Head on over to Minky’s and link it up!


Want $100? Answer one little question!

I was approached by this cool website, CustomMade, and asked if I’d write a post and offer one of my followers the chance to win $100. Uh, yeah!

Actually, I checked their site out first. Very, very cool stuff. All custommade by artisans. And that’s the Question -

Why Custom?

Click on the link below, answer that question and become eligible to win 100 bucks.

Pretty simply for my readers, I do believe. Most of us are all DIYers, right? Don’t we all make ‘custom’ projects? Okay, so just answer “Why Custom?” and maybe take home $100!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fab Finds for the Fourth #2

It’s getting closer! The 4th of July, that is. If you’re looking for great ideas, you’ve come to the right place!


Have you been busy planning? Are you ready to share your projects and recipes?

It’s simple. Just link up your post, not your blog url, below. Anything related to the 4th of July qualifies – even if it’s just something red, white & blue. Then grab the Fab Finds button for your own blog.

Why not visit the blog before & after your post, too? Great way to meet new friends!

If you’d like even more great ideas for the 4th, check out Martha’s decorations. She has tons of ideas & templates to use.

Or maybe some red, white & blue dessert recipes? She’s got 28 of ‘em.

Ready to party? Let’s see what everyone has created!

MuralMaker and More



Thanks for visiting!


Fav Furniture Re-Do’s

I am finding all kinds of inspiration for the ‘roadkill’ pieces in my shed that need to be rescued. HGTV? No. Martha? No. Just a few friendly bloggers have provided all the spark I need to haul some pieces out & get started.

Over at OneLifeManyJourneys, she claims she too had painter’s block, but look at this sensational side table!

She started with spray paint. I never used to spray furniture, but OneLifeManyJourneys has made me a believer!

Then she added some stain – what a difference! Definitely worth an extra step.

If you’ve never stripped a piece of furniture, Kara @ CreationsbyKara gives a wonderful tutorial. After she stripped it all down, she just applied a stain. Doesn’t it look like a brand new piece? A lot of work, but the result is fantastic!

Look at this wonderful piece! She found this on CraigsList. (I’m tickled every time I see her name – Laura Ingalls Gunn. Were you a fan of ‘Little House on the Prairie’? I was. Apparently, so were her parents.)
Anyway, she clearly has that pioneer spirit when it comes to refinishing furniture. It started like this -

She took it all apart, painted it and – yes, applied a stain as a final finish.
I’m beginning to see that adding a stain turns an ‘okay’ piece into a WOW!
Do you use stain? What kind is your favorite? Or do you just water down paint? Please share your tips!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chalkboard Paint Projects

I know, I know. I’m a little late to the ‘chalkboard’ party. I just bought some and haven’t made up my mind where I’m going to put it. In the meantime, I found these great projects.

At the top of the list – as usual – is Martha. Love her or hate her, she’s surrounded by incredibly creative people.

Make Your Own Chalkboard Paint

Why use just green or black? Martha has a recipe to make your own chalkboard paint with any flat latex paint & unsanded grout. The only down side is that you make 1 cup at a time. Note: check out the reader’s comments for even more tips!

If you’re like me & haven’t painted anything yet with chalkboard paint, Workshop’s tips are great. Plus they have links to fun projects too.


Is this an elegant chalkboard, or what? And it started from this -


This actually started out as a Craigslist headboard find! But OneLifeManyJourneys had bigger ideas. And this was just one piece of the headboard!

House of Grace

This chalkboard is in the perfect place – the pantry! Bonnie @ House of Grace just taped off the panels and painted the chalkboard paint on. Now, that’s my kind of project!


Sometimes I feel like the only blogger who doesn’t shop at Pottery Barn. It’s not because I don’t like them – I do! I’m just not much of a shopper, I guess. But I really love all the PB knock-off projects bloggers do, like this one by Angie @ theCountryChicCottage.
I’m not sure if I’ll do a door or my canisters first! How about you? Have you painted anything with chalkboard paint? Any tips to share?


Monday, June 21, 2010

Faux Finish Powder Room – Antique Bronze

Don’t forget the Fab Finds for the Fourth party this Thursday! What have you been up to? Or what are you planning? Link up any craft, decoration, recipe or red, white & blue!
I’ll admit it – I have done any faux finishes for quite some time. I don’t market myself as a faux finisher and I’ve kept my present house pretty simple as far as walls go. But when you’re self-employed and a friend calls and offers work, it becomes a huge blessing. For more than one reason.

Theresa is the faux finisher in our area. When all the other faux finish firms tanked in the economy, Theresa is still going strong. There’s a reason for that. She’s really, really good. And if you want to learn something, try & learn from the best, right?

bronze faux finish

I had no idea what type of finish we were going to apply. I was just following along. The project was a small powder room with high ceilings.

faux finishes

Neutral wall color, standard ‘knock-down’ texture.

faux finishes

Thank goodness the vanity wasn’t installed yet. I’m so sorry I didn’t take a picture of it. It was sitting in their garage and I just forgot.

faux finishes

First order of business – tape everything off. Notice  how the baseboard isn’t taped off? Yep, Theresa decided we’d faux finish the baseboard too. But she wasn’t ‘feeling’ the knockdown texture.

She disappeared for a few minutes while I continued taping, then came back and said, “Yep, we’re going to ‘float’ it.”

“Float it?” I asked. What’s that?

“We’re going to apply an imperfect smooth finish first,” she explained.

imperfect smooth texture

Theresa starts applying joint compound, while I see blogging opportunities.

imperfect smooth texture

I had never textured walls before so it was kinda fun. Well, except for the ceiling. Did I mention they were about 11’ high? Try getting 2 people and a ladder into a small powder room. Yeah, it’s a bit tricky.

imperfect smooth texture

I came back the next day and sanded it all down. All. Of. It. What a mess. Fine, white powder everywhere. Next came the black basecoat.

bronze faux finish

Black. Dark.

Bronze Faux Finish

The more I painted the darker it got, even with the door open & a window.

The next day, I was with Theresa again and anxious to see where we were going with this black finish.

bronze faux finish

This stuff got rolled on with a foam roller.

bronze faux finish
Bronze Faux Finish

Isn’t this gorgeous? And this is just the 1st coat! Unfortunately, it’s really hard to get good pictures of faux finishes, especially metallics because of the reflections & sheens. But you kind of see the textures & the black, don’t you?

bronze faux finish

Can’t forget the switchplates & light cover. White just wouldn’t work with this finish.

Bronze faux finish

Then we ragged on a lighter metallic. Look how even more textures show up. Can you see them?

bronze faux finish

Theresa added some black strokes here and there which really made the metallics pop. Then we ragged on a tinted sealer which made everything look even richer.

bronze faux finish

What fun stuff did you do this weekend? Are you ready for Summer?
Sharing with these great parties -

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